For those that like to blog for food, there is a new opportunity coming your way. The folks at blog for food have started a new feature that will allow you to be rewarded for your efforts to blog for food and to also get an extra entry into the cooking competition at their blog. This is called Pinot Grigio & Pinot Noir and as you know the two are some of the most popular wines in the world. Since we love wines as well as Italian food, there is no better way to combine the two then with a blog for food and a chance to win a prize for it.
This great new feature will allow you to be able to login and see a view demo of all of the different choices that are available. Once logged in you will have the ability to see how many pins you have earned as well as see a summary of all of your print entries. If you are one of the lucky few chosen as a winner you will receive the pinot grigio and a free gift, usually a bottle of this sparkling wine as well. If you are logged in you will be able to see all of your other point entries too, and they even show a graphic of all of your pins on the pinot grigio image that you will see on the blog for food. With this image there is also a description of each and the dates that they were created at the time that you entered the contest.
If you are one of those that loves to blog for food, then this may be just the ticket for you to get your food blog off the ground and earning you that entry into the cooking competition at the blog for food that you have created. If you haven’t already created a blog for food, I encourage you to do so. You can find a lot of inspiration and helpful information by looking through a lot of blogs online. Most of them will give you a place to sell your handmade items through the use of either their shipping options or their own personal websites. Once you start selling your handcrafted items you will begin to realize how much fun it can be to blog for food, and you may even decide to create a website for your food blog in the future.