Food information refers to the types of food and other materials that are needed for a person to maintain his daily diet. Food is any material consumed by an organism to give nutrition to the system so that an individual can survive. The variety of food in the diet greatly influences the type of nutrition the body needs, thus affecting the human metabolism and weight. Food is also of plant, animal, or fungi origin, and has necessary nutrients, including vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, or iron. Nutrient deficiency can be caused by a poor diet, a low level of energy, or excessive activity.
Food information is mostly based on information provided by manufacturers, but it must be confirmed by qualified health officials. Most of this information is provided for advertising purposes and some companies use the food information as a marketing tool by using ingredients or additives that might not be natural. Some food additives are added to food because they have a long shelf life and might help to prolong the shelf life and taste of the food. Examples of additives are preservatives, coloring, flavors, and soy sauce.
Some food information will also indicate that a product contains a patented or trademarked ingredient or name. This name is used for marketing or branding purposes, so consumers must know what the ingredient is if they want to avoid allergic reactions. Labelling on the other hand, is a requirement in the production of health products, such as vitamins and medicines. Labelling helps individuals identify ingredients by their common name or brand name. A manufacturer can use any of the three classifications of identification in food labelling to legally label a product: a catalogue number; a trademark name; or a trade name.